
We will select five families to give to for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will provide food, various things they may need and gifts for children.

Food Distribution

We are caring for our single parents and seniors who are experiencing food insecurity by sponsoring a food distribution every second Saturday in sponsorship with the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana.


The coalition will host an annual health-fair for the community to educate and provide resources within the healthcare arena.

Financial Literacy

Our leaders educated on financial literacy help single parents plan ways to maximize income to provide for their families. We also provide resources in money management, ways to save, and ways to utilize insurance.


We will  provide a Nationally developed etiquette program for boys and girls ages 9 to 15 teaching the code of polite behavior and guidelines for socially acceptable and respectful behavior in all aspects of life.


Our music department will teach children and young adults how to play instruments to improve their craft.

Mental Health

We will provide tools for adults in need of counseling, therapy and various mental health services through our partners.

Men & Women’s Ministry

Our team of pastors has developed a ministry to help men and women develop leadership skills, grow spiritually, and feel a sense of community and accountability.

CPR Training

Educating adults and children on how to save lives with extensive CPR training.


Teaching children from 9 to 18 years, some living in impoverished areas in our community, for the last year assisting them in preparing and passing the LEAP and ACT. We are also providing reading/tutoring for Pre-K 4-7 yrs.

STEAM/LifeCents/Business Entrepreneaur Academy

Our team is focused on entrepreneurs who want to start a small business and assist them in developing a business plan.  With our STEAM, LifeCents, and Business Entrepreneur Academy (BEA) we will also engage participants in learning high-growth demand careers, business creation, and home ownership.

Department Directors & Advisors.

  • Biblical/Spiritual Educator

  • Academic Education

  • Youth Department

  • Athletics

  • Young Adult Counseling

  • Financial Literacy

  • Political Expert Advisor

  • Law Enforcement Director

  • Health Advising

  • Outreach Feeding Ministry

  • LUCC Coalition Advisor